Owner of Skylands Healthcare Consulting, LLC, Kenneth LaPensee performs clinical trials and analyzes medical records databases. As a consultant to pharmaceutical companies, Kenneth LaPensee follows the updates on universal health coverage.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines universal health coverage (UHC) as a system that grants people and communities access to sufficient health services that promote health, alleviate suffering, and prevent and treat illnesses without causing financial hardships to users. The concept of UHC grew from the 1948 WHO Constitution, which identifies health as a vital human right, and the 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration. The declaration highlighted the role of primary health care in achieving health for everyone.
According to the WHO, many countries are moving towards UHC. Even countries with access to affordable health services are finding it hard to keep up with increasing costs and needs of the population. To truly achieve UHC, health systems in all countries must continue to improve.
To bring UHC to as many countries as possible, the focus must be on supporting critical elements for success. First among these is the primary health care workforce, with good governance and ease of procuring medicine and medical technology also key. Effective health information systems also contribute to success.
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